Chiropractic Treatments For Neck Pain
Neck pain is another issue for which seeking chiropractic care has become common. Millions of Americans deal with neck pain every year and chiropractic care can help to relieve that pain. Chiropractors are trained in the anatomy of the neck and spine. It is a chiropractor’s job to understand the way they function and to keep them properly aligned. The causes of neck pain can range from something small to something more severe.
Neck Pain Causes Include:
- Poor Posture
- Stress
- Injuries & Accidents
- Aging
- Degenerative Disorders
- Whiplash
Chiropractors help relieve neck pain through spinal manipulation. This is simply keeping the spine in proper alignment so that the body can function as intended. By keeping the spine in proper alignment pain can be reduced. Before any adjustments a chiropractor will investigate to discover what is causing neck pain and determine if chiropractic care is the best option. There are some cases where a specialist other than a chiropractor is required. In addition to spinal manipulation chiropractors can recommend exercises to patients and give out other tips to reduce the risk of neck pain re-occurring. If you are struggling with neck pain then chiropractic may be the answer for you. Give us a call at 651-730-7302 to set up an appointment today.